I am trying to change the instructions recording(day).
I am able to login to system programming.
Per My Instrutions:
I am supposed to login to VM on 300
Dial SA(72) - that's when I get the error
I tried on 301 and 303 also, I searched the programming menus but couldn't find a way to set 300 as the system administrator's mailbox.
Routes to 000 in the menus.
Thank you,
I am able to login to system programming.
Per My Instrutions:
I am supposed to login to VM on 300
Dial SA(72) - that's when I get the error
I tried on 301 and 303 also, I searched the programming menus but couldn't find a way to set 300 as the system administrator's mailbox.
Routes to 000 in the menus.
Thank you,