So I am using a TCP server program to simulate the PMS. I can send all the data needed using TxMsg command, but I don't know what to send back from the PMS to my ISL code in SIM. My code looks like
I want to send back a "Yes" or a "No" back to rxmsg. What should be the msg which is being sent back to SIM from the TCP server?
var ref : A32 \
event inq : 1 //Use Inquiry key #1 to get order info.
//Doing menu stuff here
TxMsg "Pay", @ttldue, @Cknum, menuItemCount, menuItemName[], menuItemCount, menuItemTtl[], menuItemCount, menuItemQty[]
waitforrxmsg "Communicating with Payments..."
LoadKybdMacro key(9, 199)
loadkybdmacro makekeys(total),@key_enter
loadkybdmacro makekeys(ref),@key_enter
event tmed : 199
window 7, 50, "Payment Info"
display 1,2, "Total: ", total
display 2,2, "Reference Code: ", ref
event rxmsg : *
rxmsg ref
I want to send back a "Yes" or a "No" back to rxmsg. What should be the msg which is being sent back to SIM from the TCP server?