I am running Access 2000 on Windows XP. I am trying to write to a table 'ClientTransactions' from the 'On Close' event in a report and am getting a Runtime 3134 error.
The VBA coding is as follows:
strQuery = ("INSERT INTO ClientTransactions (clientID, projectID, date, number, type, description, debitamount, creditamount)" & _
" VALUES (" & clientID & "," & projectID & "," & Date & "," & invoiceno & "," & "Inv" & "," & "Design Invoice" & "," & TotalDue & "," & 0 & ")")
DoCmd.RunSQL strQuery
where clientID, projectID, debitamount and creditamount are numbers,
date is a date field
number is a text field
and "Inv" and "Design Invoice" are fixed texts going into text fields on the table.
The VBA coding is as follows:
strQuery = ("INSERT INTO ClientTransactions (clientID, projectID, date, number, type, description, debitamount, creditamount)" & _
" VALUES (" & clientID & "," & projectID & "," & Date & "," & invoiceno & "," & "Inv" & "," & "Design Invoice" & "," & TotalDue & "," & 0 & ")")
DoCmd.RunSQL strQuery
where clientID, projectID, debitamount and creditamount are numbers,
date is a date field
number is a text field
and "Inv" and "Design Invoice" are fixed texts going into text fields on the table.