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runtime error 3021

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Dec 14, 2002
Hi everyone

I have a series of sql statements that are being executed when a name is selected from a list. These sql statements take the field from the record and apply it to the list in the combo box that the statement is being written on.

I hope that makes sense.

The program executes the majority of the statements, but it gives me a runtime 3021 error on these statements, which are identical to the others.

Set rs = db.Execute("SELECT Teams.[Index], Teams.[LongName], Players.[ColCommit], Players.[Index] " & " FROM Teams, Players WHERE Players.[Index] IN (SELECT Players.[Index] FROM Players WHERE Players.[FirstName] = " & strFN & " AND Players.[LastName] = " & strLN & ") AND Players.[ColCommit] = Teams.[Index]")
cboColCom.Text = rs.Fields("LongName").Value & vbNullString
Set rs = Nothing

Set rs = db.Execute("SELECT CollegeYears.[Index], CollegeYears.[Long], Players.[Index], Players.[ColYear] FROM CollegeYears, Players WHERE Players.[Index] IN (SELECT Players.[Index] FROM Players WHERE Players.[FirstName] = " & strFN & " AND Players.[LastName] = " & strLN & ") AND Players.[ColYear] = CollegeYears.[Index]")
cboYear.Text = rs.Fields("Long").Value & vbNullString
Set rs = Nothing

Any problems that someone can pick out of this please tell me. I don't understand why it works for some combo boxes but not others.

MichHart " Never regret yesterday because it cannot be changed;
Instead make sure today does not become a regret of tomorrow."
Error 3021, No current record, means that your SQL statement is not returning any records. Check to see exactly what your SQL contains when it fails.

On the statrements above I would make sure that string variables/parameters are enclosed with single quotes. In the first statement I would remove the extra ampersand as well.

Set rs = db.Execute("SELECT Teams.[Index], Teams.[LongName], Players.[ColCommit], Players.[Index] FROM Teams, Players WHERE Players.[Index] IN (SELECT Players.[Index] FROM Players WHERE Players.[FirstName] = '" & strFN & "' AND Players.[LastName] = '" & strLN & "') AND Players.[ColCommit] = Teams.[Index]")

Above I tremoved the extra ampersand and added single quotes. Give that a try.
Thanks and Good Luck!

Hi zemp:

Actually I got a syntax error with your above suggestion, but I have discovered that it only happens with the field in the table is empty. I had thought that the vbnullstring would cover that.

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.

MichHart " Never regret yesterday because it cannot be changed;
Instead make sure today does not become a regret of tomorrow."
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