Hi there, does anyone know how I get a docmd.runSql command to append a local table based on external data on a back-end database that is password protected?
Here's my statement:
tTempTbl is the local table I want to append records into.
tPeople is a linked table of the password protected back-end.
Back-end is an Access database.
Because the records I am wanting append to the local table is from a password protected back-end, I'm getting an error.
Is the command statement valid only for non-protected, external data sources?
I would appreciate any advice someone can offer.
Here's my statement:
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tTempTbl( fname, lname, strEmail)" & _
"SELECT fname, lname, strEmail FROM tPeople"
tTempTbl is the local table I want to append records into.
tPeople is a linked table of the password protected back-end.
Back-end is an Access database.
Because the records I am wanting append to the local table is from a password protected back-end, I'm getting an error.
Is the command statement valid only for non-protected, external data sources?
I would appreciate any advice someone can offer.