I have several visual control boards, each one has its own
database. In each database we have a form with the same
buttons running queries and one opens a file on a network
drive. See Code Below. My question is from one database it
opens the file just fine. From another database I get the
following error:
the other. I hope someone can straighten me out.
database. In each database we have a form with the same
buttons running queries and one opens a file on a network
drive. See Code Below. My question is from one database it
opens the file just fine. From another database I get the
following error:
I cannot figure out why it works from one database and notCompile Error: Sub or Function not defined
the other. I hope someone can straighten me out.
Private Sub RunPartsMonitorTransfer_Click()
Call ShellExecute(Hwnd, "open", "S:\Eng\VisualControlBoards\Parts Monitor.dtf", 1, vbNullString, 1)
End Sub