I may be missing something?
In this faq :
I see:
"To summarize second-pass formulas, create running totals using variables and the WhilePrintingRecords function."
But the following formula @f1 can not be selected for RunningTotal [CR for .NET 2005], it's OK without whileprintingrecords:
So, is it possible to use in the DetailSection the sum on a formula with whileprintingrecords ?
Thanks for help ...
I may be missing something?
In this faq :
I see:
"To summarize second-pass formulas, create running totals using variables and the WhilePrintingRecords function."
But the following formula @f1 can not be selected for RunningTotal [CR for .NET 2005], it's OK without whileprintingrecords:
So, is it possible to use in the DetailSection the sum on a formula with whileprintingrecords ?
Thanks for help ...