Technical User
I am using CR11. I have a Running Total in a Group Footer. It calculates correctly until the Group carries over more than one page.
The group to calculate on is CUSTOMER.
Within that group there are then the BILLINGPROFILE, TIMECARD, & PAYBILLCODE groups under that.
I am trying to SUM the hours paid for the Customer when the PAYBILLCODE = "HOUR".
My Running Total sums on the field TimeCard.PayUnits.
It evaluates using this formula --> {TimeCard.PayCode} = "HOUR"
It resets on the group CUSTOMER.
The group to calculate on is CUSTOMER.
Within that group there are then the BILLINGPROFILE, TIMECARD, & PAYBILLCODE groups under that.
I am trying to SUM the hours paid for the Customer when the PAYBILLCODE = "HOUR".
My Running Total sums on the field TimeCard.PayUnits.
It evaluates using this formula --> {TimeCard.PayCode} = "HOUR"
It resets on the group CUSTOMER.