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Running Totals

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Jun 20, 2003
I'm using CR8.5. I need some help on running totals.

I'm trying to modify an existing Crystal report from a off the shelf software. The report uses data from 3 linked tables. The 3 linked table contents are generated on the fly as you run the report.

The 3 tables are:
Customer: IDCUST, Name, address
Charges: IDCUST, DateInv, InvID, AmtDue
Payments: IDCUST, DatePmt, InvID, AmtPaid

The tables Customer and Charges are linked by IDCUST.
The tables Charges and Payments are linked by IDCUST and InvID.
There are no direct link between tables Customer and Payments.

The report layout is for each IDCUST
It groups by InvID. For each InvID, there is payment (none to multiple). The InvID is listed by DateInv order and payments are in DatePmt order.
ie. Section "Group Header" displays Charges. Section "Details" displays payments.

I don't know how to do the running total for it since the required info is showing in both Header and Detail sections.

Please give suggestions.

Thanks in advance

You've stated where things are, and what you don't want, try including where you want these summaries.

Try right clicking the payments field and selecting Insert->Summary->Sum and check for all groups and add running total.

You can now drag the group total from the group footer to the group header if that's what you want.

Or you can reference these generated formulas in other formulas.

If you need further assistance, please state what totals (group/grand?) and where you want to use them and any additional functionality required.

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Part and Inventory Search

