here's what I have...
These 2 calculated fields are located in the group footer which is grouped by USER_NAME...
NumberVar TotalSec := datediff("s", minimum({qry_Efficenies.STATUS_DT},{qry_Efficenies.USER_NAME}), maximum({qry_Efficenies.STATUS_DT},{qry_Efficenies.USER_NAME})) ;
NumberVar Hours := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,86400) / 3600)*60;
NumberVar Minutes := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,3600) / 60);
Hours + Minutes
These 2 calculations work "perfectly"...it's when I attempt to create the forumula sum({TOTAL_COST}) in the REPORT FOOTER, that I get an error message "The summary/running total field could not be created.
Anyone? Thank you
These 2 calculated fields are located in the group footer which is grouped by USER_NAME...
NumberVar TotalSec := datediff("s", minimum({qry_Efficenies.STATUS_DT},{qry_Efficenies.USER_NAME}), maximum({qry_Efficenies.STATUS_DT},{qry_Efficenies.USER_NAME})) ;
NumberVar Hours := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,86400) / 3600)*60;
NumberVar Minutes := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,3600) / 60);
Hours + Minutes
These 2 calculations work "perfectly"...it's when I attempt to create the forumula sum({TOTAL_COST}) in the REPORT FOOTER, that I get an error message "The summary/running total field could not be created.
Anyone? Thank you