Here's the problem. I had a past report that use to work fine. Through running totals, it would take about 10000 record hits and take about 20 to 40 seconds to run. Now, it won't run at all. After some checking, I've narrowed it down to a possible running total problem.
If I delete all running totals, the report takes only a few seconds as opposed to about 20 minutes or more. So, as a test, I did a grand total on one field and set for distinct count. The report only took 20 seconds to record the correct number. Now, as a second test, I deleted the grand total and used a running total to do the same thing. The report now takes forever. If I reduce the search for a few days, as opposed to months, with the running total, the total comes back within a few seconds. As I increase this to a longer time frame, the length of return increases until it's unmanageable.
The report was originally in Crystal Report 7.0 and now in 8.0. Is there some setting that I might have messed up to increase the inquiry time? Any ideas?
If I delete all running totals, the report takes only a few seconds as opposed to about 20 minutes or more. So, as a test, I did a grand total on one field and set for distinct count. The report only took 20 seconds to record the correct number. Now, as a second test, I deleted the grand total and used a running total to do the same thing. The report now takes forever. If I reduce the search for a few days, as opposed to months, with the running total, the total comes back within a few seconds. As I increase this to a longer time frame, the length of return increases until it's unmanageable.
The report was originally in Crystal Report 7.0 and now in 8.0. Is there some setting that I might have messed up to increase the inquiry time? Any ideas?