I am trying to multiply a Running Total by a Formula to get a grand total of contact hours.
ToNumber({#Showed}) * ToNumber({@Hours2})
I get an error saying "The string is non-numeric"?
NumberVar TotalSec := {@Hours};
NumberVar Hours := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,86400) / 3600);
NumberVar Minutes := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,3600) / 60);
NumberVar Seconds := Remainder ( TotalSec , 60);
Totext ( Hours, '00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Minutes,'00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Seconds,'00', 0,'')
DateDiff("s", {Schedule.StartTime}, {Schedule.EndTime})
Counts the number of students scheduled for class with attendance marked Present
thank you
ToNumber({#Showed}) * ToNumber({@Hours2})
I get an error saying "The string is non-numeric"?
NumberVar TotalSec := {@Hours};
NumberVar Hours := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,86400) / 3600);
NumberVar Minutes := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,3600) / 60);
NumberVar Seconds := Remainder ( TotalSec , 60);
Totext ( Hours, '00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Minutes,'00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Seconds,'00', 0,'')
DateDiff("s", {Schedule.StartTime}, {Schedule.EndTime})
Counts the number of students scheduled for class with attendance marked Present
thank you