I have a Running Total set up as follows:
My issue is this, A guarantor can have either a 'Medical' or a 'BHS' Case Type opened for them on a given day. He/she can have both case types assigned to him/her in a given day and is not limited to just one or the other. I need a count/sum of the Number of days for each Guarantor for each Case Type (minus out the days where the case types overlap). So If you had a Medical and BHS Type visit for today I would need this to count as 1 day, not 2 like my Running Total above is doing.
My issue I believe is from my Evaluate on Change of field. Instead of evaluating only on the ado.PFCDutyStatusID, I need to evaluate on the ado.PFCDutyStatusID for each ado.CaseType? I'm not even sure thats right or how to fix this running total? Would my evaluate need to be a formula now and if so, to what?
Field To Summarize: ado.NumberOfDaysTotal
Type of Summary: Sum
On Change of Field: ado.PFCDutyStatusID
On change of Group: Group #1: ado.GuarantorName - A
My issue is this, A guarantor can have either a 'Medical' or a 'BHS' Case Type opened for them on a given day. He/she can have both case types assigned to him/her in a given day and is not limited to just one or the other. I need a count/sum of the Number of days for each Guarantor for each Case Type (minus out the days where the case types overlap). So If you had a Medical and BHS Type visit for today I would need this to count as 1 day, not 2 like my Running Total above is doing.
My issue I believe is from my Evaluate on Change of field. Instead of evaluating only on the ado.PFCDutyStatusID, I need to evaluate on the ado.PFCDutyStatusID for each ado.CaseType? I'm not even sure thats right or how to fix this running total? Would my evaluate need to be a formula now and if so, to what?