I am using CR10 on a SQL2000 Server via OBDC.
I am creating a summary for a payroll report which summarizes total hours as well as how many of those hours were regular or overtime.
The report is grouped by Employee Code (as in Intials, also user name in DB). I have a running total which adds all of the hours that are applicable to that user code. I then use a fomrula to determine if the #RT is over 40 hours and if it is report 40 hours in Regular Hours column. Then anything over 40 is displayed in Overtime column.
I need to create a Running Total (or sum of) how many hours were regular and how many overtime for the Reoort Footer, any ideas on how I can accomplish this.
FirstN LastN Hours Regular Overtime
Joe Blow 42.15 40.00 2.15
Joe Schmoe 39.45 39.45 0.00
82.00 79.45 2.15
Bold Items are what I need.
-Sean H
Multithreading is just one thing after, before, or simultaneous with another.
I am creating a summary for a payroll report which summarizes total hours as well as how many of those hours were regular or overtime.
The report is grouped by Employee Code (as in Intials, also user name in DB). I have a running total which adds all of the hours that are applicable to that user code. I then use a fomrula to determine if the #RT is over 40 hours and if it is report 40 hours in Regular Hours column. Then anything over 40 is displayed in Overtime column.
I need to create a Running Total (or sum of) how many hours were regular and how many overtime for the Reoort Footer, any ideas on how I can accomplish this.
FirstN LastN Hours Regular Overtime
Joe Blow 42.15 40.00 2.15
Joe Schmoe 39.45 39.45 0.00
82.00 79.45 2.15
Bold Items are what I need.
-Sean H
Multithreading is just one thing after, before, or simultaneous with another.