I don't think you can run a sql query. Instead loop through the records and convert the logic in your sql statment into vb or whatever language that your using. That'l do donkey, that'l do
I found some extra info on why you can't fire a sql statement against a datatable, if you're interested.
Apparantly, since really datasets/datatables are really just XML in a pretty interface, there's no way to access them like you could old school recordsets that acted more like distributed, mini-databases.
This was from another user post, so although I'm not sure how bang on it is, it did make sense as I thought it through. Another option I thought of was to actually get the xml data, use an xslt transformation, and do it that way.
But that seemed too much like work too, so I have a code solution similar to Zar's idea of looping. Not what I would want as the ideal, but thats a limitation given more by microsoft.
one day, ONE DAY, users will stop buying 15 %^!@$@$ inch monitors and running 800x600 so I don't have to create these damn multi panel pages!
Upon a bit more thought, I think the best way to approach this would be to:
Extract the .defaultView from the table, which is really just a handle to the actual rows
Apply a .rowFilter to that view to get at the rows that you want to delete
Iterate through those rows, deleting them as you go
Remove the .rowFilter
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