I am new to CORBA and now using VisiBroker for Java 4.5.1.
I have implemented a simple echo Server and Client, and they can running properly with vbj.exe.
However, my manager wants me running the server with vbj.exe while running the client with jdk 1.2.2. I have tried to do so, but obtaining the following error:
===== Quote =====
prompt> java -cp vbjorb.jar;vbjdev.jar;. Client
Exception in thread "main" org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM: minor code: 0 completed:
at EchoSample.EchoServerHelper.bind(EchoServerHelper.java:55)
at EchoSample.EchoServerHelper.bind(EchoServerHelper.java:47)
at Client.main(Client.java:11)
===== End of Quote =====
The way that I try to bind the connection from the Client is as follows:
===== Quote =====
// Initialize the ORB.
org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(args,null);
// Locate an echo server.
EchoSample.EchoServer echoServer = EchoSample.EchoServerHelper.bind(orb, "EchoServer"
===== End of Quote =====
Could anyone give me any hint what goes wrong? Or is it not possible without using the vbj.exe for running the Client program?
Thanks in advance.
I have implemented a simple echo Server and Client, and they can running properly with vbj.exe.
However, my manager wants me running the server with vbj.exe while running the client with jdk 1.2.2. I have tried to do so, but obtaining the following error:
===== Quote =====
prompt> java -cp vbjorb.jar;vbjdev.jar;. Client
Exception in thread "main" org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM: minor code: 0 completed:
at EchoSample.EchoServerHelper.bind(EchoServerHelper.java:55)
at EchoSample.EchoServerHelper.bind(EchoServerHelper.java:47)
at Client.main(Client.java:11)
===== End of Quote =====
The way that I try to bind the connection from the Client is as follows:
===== Quote =====
// Initialize the ORB.
org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(args,null);
// Locate an echo server.
EchoSample.EchoServer echoServer = EchoSample.EchoServerHelper.bind(orb, "EchoServer"
===== End of Quote =====
Could anyone give me any hint what goes wrong? Or is it not possible without using the vbj.exe for running the Client program?
Thanks in advance.