I'm having problems running the JacORB IDL compiler from an ANT build.xml file.
I can run the compiler from the command prompt with no problem.
I've tried using the <exec> tag to run the IDL compiler with no success. I continually get a "java.io.ioexception: createprocess error".
When I try running the org.jacorb.idl.parser using the <java> tag I get "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErrorrg/apache/log/format/Formatter" error.
Has anyone done this successfully?
If so, could you post some example code?
I can run the compiler from the command prompt with no problem.
I've tried using the <exec> tag to run the IDL compiler with no success. I continually get a "java.io.ioexception: createprocess error".
When I try running the org.jacorb.idl.parser using the <java> tag I get "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErrorrg/apache/log/format/Formatter" error.
Has anyone done this successfully?
If so, could you post some example code?