I have a DTS package that imports Execl spreadsheet to a database table. I have coded it in VB where I have a loop that goes and gets the execl files and imports it to a database table. The problem is it only imports one file. I put a trace on the DTS through SQL Profiler. Profiler showed that from the second file (2nd loop) to the last file (end loop) the DTS(or user) logs into the network protocol: TCP/IP set quoted_identifier.. then runs the SQL:BatchCompleted for exec sp_oledb_ro_usrname and SQL:BatchCompleted for select collationname(0x0904D00034) then Logs out. The package should login into network protocol after the first two SQL:BatchCompleted. Then the SQL: BatchCompleted run twice for the Select query and insert bulk then log out. The only way to get it to run is shut down VB and start it up. This defeats the loop. How do I do I disconnect with out shutting down VB?