Should diskkeeper be run on an exchange 2003 server? not talking about running in real time here but possibly just a scheduled defrag time for instance on a weekend.
What are the outcomes/consequences for doing this, or should it even be an option?
Exchange is just a database management system, its not anything out of the ordinary in the way it uses the disks. The program itself is not aware of how it accesses the disk this is dealt with by other software. So its isn't aware of whether the disk is or is not defragmented, or whether you're using a defrag program to defrag it.
If you defrag the disks while Exchange is online it will just not defrag the locked files - ie. the database.
I've done a disk level defrag of my exchange server loads of times.
You should also do a database defrag a couple of times a year too or after a period of big alterations such as lots of mailbox moves, deletions etc.
Just to add, when I've defrag'd my disks I've done it during scheduled maintenance periods when the server has either been disconnected from the network or not in use.
I always try to stop as many services as possible that might write to the disk before attempting to defrag - AV sofwtare, database software etc etc. and please make sure you have a valid backup before attempting any maintenance of any kind.
I run diskeeper on my Exchange boxes and, like primate says, I do it during a scheduled time with stopped services. If you check out diskeeper's website
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