OK, I've been pounding my head on this all day. I have a cgi/perl script for an access counter (it's the Simple Counter script by Seth Leonard). I've ascertained that if I go directly to the cgi script through the web browser, it works just dandy. If I try to include it in the web page, I get nothing.
The script can be found at ;
The site I'm working on is on an intranet so is not available. The command I'm using to access the ssi is:
<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/counter.cgi" -->
Can anyone help? I have also posted this question over at the IIS and Frontpage forums.
The script can be found at ;
The site I'm working on is on an intranet so is not available. The command I'm using to access the ssi is:
<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/counter.cgi" -->
Can anyone help? I have also posted this question over at the IIS and Frontpage forums.