Thanks to some ppl I now can create a batch file from a VBscript containin " ^ ' etc.
I can run it also using
Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"
WShell.Run "c:\temp\audit.bat"
I set two parameters earlier using
strInputA=InputBox("What IP Address or machine name do you want logs from?",strTitle,"IP Address"
strInputB=InputBox("What is the Admin Password?",strTitle,"Password"
and I want to feed them to the batch file as parameters I tried
Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"
WShell.Run "c:\temp\audit.bat strInputA strInputB"
and also
WShell.Run "c:\temp\audit.bat" & strInputA & strInputB & " "
on the first one it feeds strInputA literally (no suprises) on the second I think it sees it as another command to run (cannot find file specified)