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Running alohaboh from other computers

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May 8, 2009
\\alohaboh\bootdrv\Aloha\BIN\AlohaMgr.exe /iberdir \\alohaboh\bootdrv\aloha /remote This is what I thought was going to work but I get the error

the application has failed to start becuase it side by side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command line sxstrace tool for more detail
You will need to install Aloha on your other computer then unregister the files.
You can configure the ALOHA® application software Back-of-House (BOH) to access the file server from a remote computer. This enables multiple users access the BOH for reports and database management. This document explains how to configure remote copies of Aloha Manager.

Remote Aloha Manager requires the full installation of Aloha Manager from the Aloha installation CD on the remote workstation. Users must perform a full installation because Aloha Manager requires several Microsoft applications (such as Internet Explorer, Data Access, and DCOM) as well as the registration of numerous .EXE and .DLL files. Once the full installation is complete, most of the files in the Aloha folder can be removed to not needlessly consume hard drive space on the remote workstation. Only the BIN folder and its contents stay on the remote hard drive.

Establish a TCP/IP-based network connection between the remote computer and the file server. Other network protocols may be used in conjunction with TCP/IP, but TCP/IP must be included.

Establish network file access between the remote computer and the BOOTDRV share on the file server.

To install a remote copy of Aloha Manager on a non-relational database (RDB) system, perform the following steps:

1. Ensure the network and Aloha BOOTDRV share on the file server enable the remote user full access to the file server.

2. Install the Aloha application software on the remote workstation. Do not enter any key numbers or select any optional components. With the exception of the Aloha application software folder location and disabling the EDC options, leave the setup parameters at their default settings since they will be erased later and have no bearing on the final result. You can leave the Aloha application software folder location at the default location or move it to a different location on the remote workstation hard drive.

Restart the computer when the installation is complete.

3. On the remote workstation, open a command prompt, navigate to the BIN folder, and use the following command line to unregister CTLSVR.EXE (Control Server):


4. Stop the Radiant Heartbeat Service, if it is listed in the Windows services.

5. Remove the BOOTDRV share from the remote workstation that was created by the installation process.

6. Delete the entire contents of the Aloha application software folder on the remote workstation, leaving only the Aloha application software folder, the BIN folder, and the BIN folder's contents.

7. Remove the Aloha application software environment variables from either the IBERCFG.BAT or the system environment variables (depending on the operating system).

8. Create a shortcut to Aloha Manager on the desktop:

A. Right-click any unused portion of the remote computer desktop and select New/Shortcut.

B. Enter the following command in the 'Command Line' text box being sure to insert the correct server name and Aloha application software folder:


C. Click Next and enter 'Aloha Aloha Manager' as the shortcut name.

D. Click Finish.


Awesome - thanks Coorsman, this helped!

Is there a way to run EDC remotely like AlohaMgr?
Yes but it's not easy. Both the aloha server and the remote must have the same username and password and logged in as such. I'll send a link to
The instruction tomorrow.


The ALOHA® application software Electronic Draft Capture (EDC) application can be setup to access the EDC file server from a remote computer. This is helpful in restaurants where multiple people need to access EDC from different offices.



Establish a TCP/IP-based network connection between the remote EDC client and EDC file server. Other network protocols may be used in conjunction with TCP/IP, but TCP/IP must be included.

Establish network file access between the remote EDC client and the BOOTDRV share on the EDC file server.

Install BOH Prerequisites on Remote PC

Install any BOH prerequisites on the remote PC that were required by the Aloha file server.


Open a command prompt on the remote EDC client and navigate to the Windows SYSTEM32 folder. Type the following command line to register the copy of EDCSVRPS.DLL from the EDC file server on the remote EDC client (a successful confirmation should follow the registration):


The EDCSVRPS.DLL needs to be re-registered on the remote EDC client each time the Aloha Application Software is upgraded to a newer version.

Register ATL.DLL

Open a command prompt, and navigate to the Windows SYSTEM32 folder. Type the following command line to register ATL.DLL (a successful confirmation should follow the registration):


Register Aloha Security Files

Open a command prompt on the remote EDC client and type the following command line to register the copy of ALOHASEC.EXE from the EDC file server on the remote EDC client (a successful confirmation should follow the registration):


Open a command prompt on the remote EDC client and navigate to the Windows SYSTEM32 folder. Type the following command line to register the copies of ASECPS.DLL, ARSEC.DLL, and ARSECPS.DLL from the EDC file server on the remote EDC client (a successful confirmation should follow each registration):


The ALOHASEC.EXE, ASECPS.DLL, ARSEC.DLL and ARSECPS.DLL need to be re-registered on the remote EDC client each time the Aloha Application Software is upgraded to a newer version.

Shortcut to EDC.EXE

Create a new shortcut on the desktop of the remote EDC client using the following command line (replace the correct location of EDC.EXE on the EDC file server and the IBERDIR):


Refer to document ID 6613 for more information on environment variables.

Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Higher

If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or higher, then you might also have to perform these additional steps in order to circumvent some of the additional security:
1.Ensure that both the server and the PC with the remote instance of EDC are logged on with identical user names and passwords.
2.On the server, select Start/Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Local Security Policy.
3.In the Local Security Policy on the file server under Security Settings/Local Policies/Security Options, ensure that you have configured access to both local and remote users for the 'DCOM: Machine Access Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax' and 'DCOM: Machine Launch Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax'.
4.Find "Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts," double-click on it, change the setting to "Classic - local users authenticate as themselves," and click OK.
5.On the server, select Start/Settings/Control Panel/Security Center.
6.Click Windows Firewall at the bottom of the applet, set the firewall to Off, press OK, and close the applet.
7.On the server, select Start/Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Component Services.
8.Double-click Component Services and then Computers. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties/COM Security.
9.Click on Access Permissions/Edit Limits. Ensure that each group or user has both Local Access and Remote Access enabled, and click OK.
10.Click on "Launch and Activation Permissions"/Edit Limits. Ensure that each group or user has Local Launch, Remote Launch, Local Activation, and Remote Activation enabled, and click OK.
11.Click OK to close the Properties window.
12.Close the Component Services applet.

Restart the server.

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 Users

You must perform the following on the file server and remote workstation:
1.Select Start/Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Local Security Policy.
2.Navigate to Security Settings/Local Policies/Security Options.
3.Find 'Network Access: Let everyone permissions apply to anonymous users' and set it to Enabled.
4.Find 'DCOM: Machine Access Restrictions' and edit the security policy to allow full rights to Anonymous, Everyone, Interactive, Network, and System.
5.Find 'Network Access: Sharing security model for local accounts' and set it to Classic.

1.Select Start/Run/Dcomcnfg and press OK to open the DCOM configuration settings.
2.Navigate to Console Root/ Component Services/ Computers/My Computer, right click My Computer, and select Properties.
3.Select the Default Properties tab and enable 'Enable Distributed COM on this computer'.
4.Ensure that 'Default Authentication Level' is set to Connect.
5.Ensure that 'Default Impersonation Level' is set to Identify.
6.Select the COM Security tab.
7.Find Access Permissions and edit the security policy to allow full rights to Anonymous, Everyone, Interactive, Network, and System.
8.Find ' Launch and Activation Permissions' and edit the security policy to allow full rights to Anonymous, Everyone, Interactive, Network, and System.
9.Close the open the DCOM configuration settings.

Restart the computer.


The REPORTMODE variable limits the user to reports only. Add /REPORTMODE to the EDC command line to enable this.

Upgrading EDC

If you are upgrading from versions 4.2x to versions 4.4x or higher, unregister EDC Server with the following command line before configuring remote EDC 4.4x and higher:


When performing any upgrade, regardless of the version, replace and re-register all .EXE and .DLL files.

Extended Information

SuperSites or locations using multiple copies of EDC need to include the EDCPATH variable in the EDC.EXE shortcut command line. Refer to document ID 6613 and ID 5990 for more information.


Wow - yeah, that's not nearly as easy. :)

MUCH appreciated, thanks Coorsman!
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