We are trying to get a terminal Server up and running for our remote users. I am having trouble with a database crashing and shutting down. Here is the senerio:
Viewing a form that shows a list of records (continuous form), a button is selected for a certain record opening up a detail view (a pop-up form). When a button is selected on this pop-up form to bring up a second pop-up form, the program crashes. here is the code on the second button:
When I debug, I get to the "DoCmd.OpenForm" command and the program freezes momentarily, then closes. This program runs fine on any other machine (Win2000 and WinXP, Access2000 and AccessXP). FYI: I am doing my tests via remote desktop... Any Ideas?
Thanks, Keith
Viewing a form that shows a list of records (continuous form), a button is selected for a certain record opening up a detail view (a pop-up form). When a button is selected on this pop-up form to bring up a second pop-up form, the program crashes. here is the code on the second button:
Private Sub Command60_Click()
Dim var_record
On Error GoTo Error_Handle
str_record = Me.sts_key.Value
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_sts_edit", acNormal, , , , , str_record
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Now
End Sub
When I debug, I get to the "DoCmd.OpenForm" command and the program freezes momentarily, then closes. This program runs fine on any other machine (Win2000 and WinXP, Access2000 and AccessXP). FYI: I am doing my tests via remote desktop... Any Ideas?
Thanks, Keith