I currently have the functionality in my application of allowing the user to select an individual's information and click a Form Letters button. They can then pick from a list of form letters shared on the network. Once they've made a choice they can click the merge button which opens a shared Access file with a view and the chosen document. This was working like a charm in Office 2000 but now we have to switch to XP and the code crashes my PC. The app. has been converted to XP and everything works fine except for this portion. The code keeps saying that it can't find my view. Has anyone had any experience with this? The code is as follows:
Public Function MergeIt(doc As String)
Dim objWord As Word.Document
Dim Duplicate As Access.Application
Dim Query1 As String
Dim Query2 As String
Dim ID As Long
Dim UN As String
UN = Environ("username")
ID = [Forms]![ApplicantInformation_form].[sys_PersonInformation_ID]
Query1 = "SELECT WordMerge_v.sys_PersonInformation_ID, WordMerge_v.Address1, WordMerge_v.Address2, WordMerge_v.City, WordMerge_v.StateCode, WordMerge_v.Zip, WordMerge_v.CurrentFlag, WordMerge_v.FirstName, WordMerge_v.MiddleName, WordMerge_v.LastName,"
Query2 = " WordMerge_v.CurrentName, WordMerge_v.UserName, WordMerge_v.LName, WordMerge_v.FName, WordMerge_v.MName, WordMerge_v.Title"
Query2 = Query2 + " FROM WordMerge_v"
Query2 = Query2 + " WHERE (((sys_PersonInformation_ID)=" & ID & ") and ((UserName)='" & UN & "'));"
doc = "J:\Letters\" & doc
Set objWord = GetObject(doc)
Set Duplicate = GetObject("J:\AppLetters_Xp.mdb")
objWord.Application.Visible = True
objWord.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:="J:\AppLetters_Xp.mdb", SQLStatement:=Query1, SQLStatement1:=Query2, LinkToSource:=True
End Function