I am getting this runtime error I don't know why. I have used the same program for other clients with no problem. Any help is appreciated.
The code that is highlighted in blue is where the error is.
When I queried strSQL I got:
SELECT PatName,AcctNu,dos,chgpostdate,priminsmne,priminsdesc,cptdisplay,cptdsc,mod1,diag1,grpdsc1,grpdsc2,chgamt FROM PROC_RptSrc_ChgDetail ORDER BY dos,PatName,cptcode;
When I queried irec it is 0
When I queried rstDat.RecordCount it is 46440
iRw = 6
The code that is highlighted in blue is where the error is.
When I queried strSQL I got:
SELECT PatName,AcctNu,dos,chgpostdate,priminsmne,priminsdesc,cptdisplay,cptdsc,mod1,diag1,grpdsc1,grpdsc2,chgamt FROM PROC_RptSrc_ChgDetail ORDER BY dos,PatName,cptcode;
When I queried irec it is 0
When I queried rstDat.RecordCount it is 46440
iRw = 6
Public Sub RS_ChgDetail(liCl As Long, liRPd As Long, strTitl As String, strSubTitl As String, li1stGrp As Long, li2ndGrp As Long)
' *********************************
' *********************************
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rstDat As Recordset
Dim iRec As Integer
Dim iRw As Integer
' Set Title, SubTitle, Tab names
With goXL.ActiveSheet
.Cells(1, 1).Value = (GetUCI(liCl)) & " - " & (GetClntName(liCl))
.Cells(2, 1).Value = (strTitl) & " (" & (strSubTitl) & ")"
.Cells(3, 1).Value = "For the Month of: " & (GetFullMonthName(liRPd))
' Column Titles
.Cells(5, 11).Value = (GetSubName(li1stGrp))
.Cells(5, 12).Value = (GetSubName(li2ndGrp))
End With
iRw = 6
' Get Charge Data
strSQL = "SELECT PatName,AcctNu,dos,chgpostdate,priminsmne,priminsdesc,cptdisplay,cptdsc,mod1,diag1" & _
",grpdsc1,grpdsc2,chgamt " & _
"FROM PROC_RptSrc_ChgDetail " & _
"ORDER BY dos,PatName,cptcode;"
'"ORDER BY dos,grpdsc1,grpdsc2,PatName,priminsmne;" ' Changed sort order to DOS first for HMF and MSP not sorting correctly
'"ORDER BY grpdsc1,grpdsc2,dos,PatName,priminsmne;" 'Orig code changed 4/8/2013 per request by Denissa
Set rstDat = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rstDat.EOF Then
With rstDat
End With
[Blue] For iRec = 1 To rstDat.RecordCount [/Blue]
With goXL.ActiveSheet
.Cells(iRw, 1).Value = (rstDat![PatName])
.Cells(iRw, 2).Value = (rstDat![AcctNu])
.Cells(iRw, 3).Value = (rstDat![dos])
.Cells(iRw, 4).Value = (rstDat![chgpostdate])
.Cells(iRw, 5).Value = (rstDat![priminsmne])
.Cells(iRw, 6).Value = (rstDat![priminsdesc])
.Cells(iRw, 7).Value = (rstDat![cptdisplay])
.Cells(iRw, 8).Value = (rstDat![cptdsc])
.Cells(iRw, 9).Value = (rstDat![mod1])
.Cells(iRw, 10).Value = (rstDat![diag1])
.Cells(iRw, 11).Value = (rstDat![grpdsc1])
.Cells(iRw, 12).Value = (rstDat![grpdsc2])
.Cells(iRw, 13).Value = (rstDat![chgamt])
End With
iRw = iRw + 1
Next iRec
End If
Set rstDat = Nothing
'Hide Detail if not selected
If (li2ndGrp = 1) Then
goXL.Columns("L:L").Hidden = True
End If
If (li1stGrp = 1) Then
goXL.Columns("K:K").Hidden = True
End If
' Delete Extra Rows
With goXL
.Rows("" & (iRw) & ":50000").Select
.Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
.Cells(4, 1).Select
End With
End Sub