Ha sanyone come across this error when programming in VBA before? The specific situation is where I am opening a recordset, e.g.
dbs = currentdb()
set rst = dbs.openrecordset(<table/query name>, dbOpendynaset)
This produces:
"Error 3061 - Too few parameters. Expected 1".
I cannot understand it as there is one paramater. This statement works some times and not others and I cannot see the reason for it. It happens whether the <table/query name> is an SQL statement, literal table/query name or whatever. Any clues?
Alex Middleton
dbs = currentdb()
set rst = dbs.openrecordset(<table/query name>, dbOpendynaset)
This produces:
"Error 3061 - Too few parameters. Expected 1".
I cannot understand it as there is one paramater. This statement works some times and not others and I cannot see the reason for it. It happens whether the <table/query name> is an SQL statement, literal table/query name or whatever. Any clues?
Alex Middleton