I have some code that is run on startup of the database that checks the version number of the client front-end and updates the front-end if a new version is found.
I originally found this method in another post:
For the most part, this method has worked great. However, on occassion, I get run-time error 3033: You do not have the necessary permissions to use the <database> object.
When I hit the "debug" button to see where the code is crashing, it highlights a DoCmd.RunSql command that I have placed in the code that runs an append query to insert a record of the update into a log. The log is a linked table.
I don't understand what is causing this error. There is no security set up on this DB. The error only happens on occassion, not every time. The object that the error is referencing is the database itself, not a table.
I do believe that it is the append query that is the problem. I have this executing after the new version is copied to the client machine, but before the Shell command to open the new instance of the DB. I can tell that the copy has completed before the crash of the code because the new version is on the client machine and there is no record of it in the log, so the log entry has failed.
Typically, when the error occurs, I can just end the code, close the database, reopen it, and the client is now on the new version. I can then update the client again on the same machine, same user, etc. and it works fine. The error only happens on occassion.
Anyone have any ideas?
I know my code is sloppy and my naming conventions are a joke, but if it helps, I have posted the code below.
Option Compare Database
Declare Function apiCopyFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CopyFileA" (ByVal lpExistingFileName As String, ByVal lpNewFileName As String, ByVal bFailIfExists As Long) As Long
Public Function AccessVersionControlUtility()
'variables for client side
Dim myidentifier As String
Dim strVerClient As Double
'objects used to query SQL table to return Master info
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim mysql As String
'server side variables - master db info
Dim myDatabaseName As String
Dim strVerServer As Double 'current Master version
Dim strSourceFile As String 'path to Master
Dim mySuspend As String
Dim myRequired As String
Dim myAsk As String
'additional environment variables used for Log
Dim myUser As String
Dim myWorkstation As String
'sql string used to append data to log
Dim mysqlLog As String
'additional variables used by copy command and to restart access
Dim strDestFile As String
Dim strAccessExePath As String, lngResult As Long
'get the client side version info first
myidentifier = Nz(DLookup("[ThisDBIdentifier]", "[tblVersion]"), 0)
strVerClient = Nz(DLookup("[VersionNumber]", "[tblVersion]"), 0)
'get the Master info by querying AccessVersionControl table and put into variables
mysql = "SELECT dbo_AccessVersionControl.DatabaseName, dbo_AccessVersionControl.DatabaseIdentifier, dbo_AccessVersionControl.FullMasterPath, dbo_AccessVersionControl.CurrentVersionNo, dbo_AccessVersionControl.AskBeforeUpdate, dbo_AccessVersionControl.UpdateRequired, dbo_AccessVersionControl.Suspend From dbo_AccessVersionControl WHERE (((dbo_AccessVersionControl.DatabaseIdentifier)='" & myidentifier & "'));"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(mysql)
If rs.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "The Microsoft Access Version Control Utility has encountered an error. The Database Identifier could not be found. Please notify the Database Coordinator.", vbCritical, "Error"
Exit Function
End If
myDatabaseName = rs.Fields("DatabaseName").Value
strVerServer = rs.Fields("CurrentVersionNo").Value
strSourceFile = rs.Fields("FullMasterPath").Value
mySuspend = rs.Fields("Suspend").Value
myAsk = rs.Fields("AskBeforeUpdate").Value
myRequired = rs.Fields("UpdateRequired").Value
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
'populate the additional environment variables
myUser = Environ("Username")
myWorkstation = Environ("ComputerName")
'start of the utility logic
'if the client version matches the master version
If strVerClient = strVerServer Then
'do nothing return control to calling form
Exit Function
'otherwise if the versions do not match then copy the master to the client machine (with qualifications)
ElseIf strVerClient <> strVerServer And mySuspend = "Y" Then
'database has been put into a suspend state and update will not continue
MsgBox "The master database is currently being maintained. Update is not possible at this time.", vbOKOnly, ""
Exit Function
ElseIf strVerClient <> strVerServer And mySuspend = "N" And myAsk = "Y" Then
'user is given the opportunity to bypass update
response = MsgBox("There is a new version of " & myDatabaseName & " available on the network. Do you want to download the new version now?", vbYesNo, "New Version Found")
If response = vbYes Then
'user has chosen to update to new version so update
strDestFile = CurrentProject.FullName
'Determine path of current Access executable
strAccessExePath = SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "MSAccess.exe "
If Dir(strSourceFile) = "" Then 'Something is wrong and the file is not there.
MsgBox "The Master copy of the database could not be located. Please see the database coordinator.", vbCritical, "Error"
Exit Function
Else 'copy the new version of app over the existing one.
lngResult = apiCopyFile(strSourceFile, strDestFile, False)
End If
'record the update in the log
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
mysqlLog = "INSERT INTO dbo_AccessVersionControlLog ( DatabaseIdentifier, DatabaseName, NewVersion, OldVersion, UserName, Workstation ) SELECT '" & myidentifier & "' AS Expr1, '" & myDatabaseName & "' AS Expr2, '" & strVerServer & "' AS Expr3, '" & strVerClient & "' AS Expr4, '" & myUser & "' AS Expr5, '" & myWorkstation & "' AS Expr6;"
DoCmd.RunSQL (mysqlLog)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'Modify strDestFile slightly so that it can be used with the Shell function
strDestFile = """" & strDestFile & """"
MsgBox "Application Updated. Please wait while the application restarts.", _
vbInformation, "Update Successful"
'Load new version, then close old one.
Shell strAccessExePath & strDestFile & "", vbMaximizedFocus
'user has chosen not to update to new version
If myRequired = "Y" Then
MsgBox "The latest update is required for proper database operation. Access to database denied. Please see the Database Coordinator for assistance.", vbCritical, "Update Required"
MsgBox "You are working on an outdated version of this database. Please update your database version as soon as possible.", vbCritical, "Warning"
Exit Function
End If
End If
'user was not given the option to update so update proceeds automatically
strDestFile = CurrentProject.FullName
'Determine path of current Access executable
strAccessExePath = SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "MSAccess.exe "
If Dir(strSourceFile) = "" Then 'Something is wrong and the file is not there.
MsgBox "The Master copy of the database could not be located. Please see the database coordinator.", vbCritical, "Error"
Exit Function
Else 'copy the new version of app over the existing one.
lngResult = apiCopyFile(strSourceFile, strDestFile, False)
End If
'record update in the log
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
mysqlLog = "INSERT INTO dbo_AccessVersionControlLog ( DatabaseIdentifier, DatabaseName, NewVersion, OldVersion, UserName, Workstation ) SELECT '" & myidentifier & "' AS Expr1, '" & myDatabaseName & "' AS Expr2, '" & strVerServer & "' AS Expr3, '" & strVerClient & "' AS Expr4, '" & myUser & "' AS Expr5, '" & myWorkstation & "' AS Expr6;"
DoCmd.RunSQL (mysqlLog)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'Modify strDestFile slightly so that it can be used with the Shell function
strDestFile = """" & strDestFile & """"
MsgBox "Application Updated. Please wait while the application restarts.", _
vbInformation, "Update Successful"
'Load new version, then close old one.
Shell strAccessExePath & strDestFile & "", vbMaximizedFocus
End If
End Function
I originally found this method in another post:
For the most part, this method has worked great. However, on occassion, I get run-time error 3033: You do not have the necessary permissions to use the <database> object.
When I hit the "debug" button to see where the code is crashing, it highlights a DoCmd.RunSql command that I have placed in the code that runs an append query to insert a record of the update into a log. The log is a linked table.
I don't understand what is causing this error. There is no security set up on this DB. The error only happens on occassion, not every time. The object that the error is referencing is the database itself, not a table.
I do believe that it is the append query that is the problem. I have this executing after the new version is copied to the client machine, but before the Shell command to open the new instance of the DB. I can tell that the copy has completed before the crash of the code because the new version is on the client machine and there is no record of it in the log, so the log entry has failed.
Typically, when the error occurs, I can just end the code, close the database, reopen it, and the client is now on the new version. I can then update the client again on the same machine, same user, etc. and it works fine. The error only happens on occassion.
Anyone have any ideas?
I know my code is sloppy and my naming conventions are a joke, but if it helps, I have posted the code below.
Option Compare Database
Declare Function apiCopyFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CopyFileA" (ByVal lpExistingFileName As String, ByVal lpNewFileName As String, ByVal bFailIfExists As Long) As Long
Public Function AccessVersionControlUtility()
'variables for client side
Dim myidentifier As String
Dim strVerClient As Double
'objects used to query SQL table to return Master info
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim mysql As String
'server side variables - master db info
Dim myDatabaseName As String
Dim strVerServer As Double 'current Master version
Dim strSourceFile As String 'path to Master
Dim mySuspend As String
Dim myRequired As String
Dim myAsk As String
'additional environment variables used for Log
Dim myUser As String
Dim myWorkstation As String
'sql string used to append data to log
Dim mysqlLog As String
'additional variables used by copy command and to restart access
Dim strDestFile As String
Dim strAccessExePath As String, lngResult As Long
'get the client side version info first
myidentifier = Nz(DLookup("[ThisDBIdentifier]", "[tblVersion]"), 0)
strVerClient = Nz(DLookup("[VersionNumber]", "[tblVersion]"), 0)
'get the Master info by querying AccessVersionControl table and put into variables
mysql = "SELECT dbo_AccessVersionControl.DatabaseName, dbo_AccessVersionControl.DatabaseIdentifier, dbo_AccessVersionControl.FullMasterPath, dbo_AccessVersionControl.CurrentVersionNo, dbo_AccessVersionControl.AskBeforeUpdate, dbo_AccessVersionControl.UpdateRequired, dbo_AccessVersionControl.Suspend From dbo_AccessVersionControl WHERE (((dbo_AccessVersionControl.DatabaseIdentifier)='" & myidentifier & "'));"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(mysql)
If rs.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "The Microsoft Access Version Control Utility has encountered an error. The Database Identifier could not be found. Please notify the Database Coordinator.", vbCritical, "Error"
Exit Function
End If
myDatabaseName = rs.Fields("DatabaseName").Value
strVerServer = rs.Fields("CurrentVersionNo").Value
strSourceFile = rs.Fields("FullMasterPath").Value
mySuspend = rs.Fields("Suspend").Value
myAsk = rs.Fields("AskBeforeUpdate").Value
myRequired = rs.Fields("UpdateRequired").Value
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
'populate the additional environment variables
myUser = Environ("Username")
myWorkstation = Environ("ComputerName")
'start of the utility logic
'if the client version matches the master version
If strVerClient = strVerServer Then
'do nothing return control to calling form
Exit Function
'otherwise if the versions do not match then copy the master to the client machine (with qualifications)
ElseIf strVerClient <> strVerServer And mySuspend = "Y" Then
'database has been put into a suspend state and update will not continue
MsgBox "The master database is currently being maintained. Update is not possible at this time.", vbOKOnly, ""
Exit Function
ElseIf strVerClient <> strVerServer And mySuspend = "N" And myAsk = "Y" Then
'user is given the opportunity to bypass update
response = MsgBox("There is a new version of " & myDatabaseName & " available on the network. Do you want to download the new version now?", vbYesNo, "New Version Found")
If response = vbYes Then
'user has chosen to update to new version so update
strDestFile = CurrentProject.FullName
'Determine path of current Access executable
strAccessExePath = SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "MSAccess.exe "
If Dir(strSourceFile) = "" Then 'Something is wrong and the file is not there.
MsgBox "The Master copy of the database could not be located. Please see the database coordinator.", vbCritical, "Error"
Exit Function
Else 'copy the new version of app over the existing one.
lngResult = apiCopyFile(strSourceFile, strDestFile, False)
End If
'record the update in the log
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
mysqlLog = "INSERT INTO dbo_AccessVersionControlLog ( DatabaseIdentifier, DatabaseName, NewVersion, OldVersion, UserName, Workstation ) SELECT '" & myidentifier & "' AS Expr1, '" & myDatabaseName & "' AS Expr2, '" & strVerServer & "' AS Expr3, '" & strVerClient & "' AS Expr4, '" & myUser & "' AS Expr5, '" & myWorkstation & "' AS Expr6;"
DoCmd.RunSQL (mysqlLog)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'Modify strDestFile slightly so that it can be used with the Shell function
strDestFile = """" & strDestFile & """"
MsgBox "Application Updated. Please wait while the application restarts.", _
vbInformation, "Update Successful"
'Load new version, then close old one.
Shell strAccessExePath & strDestFile & "", vbMaximizedFocus
'user has chosen not to update to new version
If myRequired = "Y" Then
MsgBox "The latest update is required for proper database operation. Access to database denied. Please see the Database Coordinator for assistance.", vbCritical, "Update Required"
MsgBox "You are working on an outdated version of this database. Please update your database version as soon as possible.", vbCritical, "Warning"
Exit Function
End If
End If
'user was not given the option to update so update proceeds automatically
strDestFile = CurrentProject.FullName
'Determine path of current Access executable
strAccessExePath = SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "MSAccess.exe "
If Dir(strSourceFile) = "" Then 'Something is wrong and the file is not there.
MsgBox "The Master copy of the database could not be located. Please see the database coordinator.", vbCritical, "Error"
Exit Function
Else 'copy the new version of app over the existing one.
lngResult = apiCopyFile(strSourceFile, strDestFile, False)
End If
'record update in the log
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
mysqlLog = "INSERT INTO dbo_AccessVersionControlLog ( DatabaseIdentifier, DatabaseName, NewVersion, OldVersion, UserName, Workstation ) SELECT '" & myidentifier & "' AS Expr1, '" & myDatabaseName & "' AS Expr2, '" & strVerServer & "' AS Expr3, '" & strVerClient & "' AS Expr4, '" & myUser & "' AS Expr5, '" & myWorkstation & "' AS Expr6;"
DoCmd.RunSQL (mysqlLog)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'Modify strDestFile slightly so that it can be used with the Shell function
strDestFile = """" & strDestFile & """"
MsgBox "Application Updated. Please wait while the application restarts.", _
vbInformation, "Update Successful"
'Load new version, then close old one.
Shell strAccessExePath & strDestFile & "", vbMaximizedFocus
End If
End Function