I have been using a form to let users run small external utility programs I send them through email. They drop the fxp in the "Util" folder and my app displays all of the fxp's in that folder in a listbox and allows them to pick one to run. I have had no problem with running any of these until I referenced a my "MesssageForm" form in the Fxp. This form is included in the project. Fox throws an error saying it cannot find the form. If I indirectly access the form through a procedure in my main procedure file, everything works fine. I don't mind doing this, but thought the external fxp would be able to use the "MessageForm" directly because it is contained in the exe. It seems strange that the external Fxp has acccess to the procedures in the "Set Proc To' files, but not the forms in the exe. Probably just my lack of understanding of how the app knows what it can use. Is there a better way to do something like this? Is there a way to make the forms visible to the Fxp? FYI: These utility programs can also be set to run automatically when the program starts and also be self deleting. This is VFP 6.0. Moving app to VFP 9 soon.