I would like to run a dos command from a flash projector file, any ideas how to run the command tracert ipAddress where ip is a variable assigned through a text field.
the computer has internet, and do i really need some server side scripting? On the main stage of the projector file (.exe) I would have a input text box and a submit button, the ip entered would instigate on my winXP the dos prompt/tracert ip_from_field.
I was reading and there is not much on this subject that i can find. I did find out that MX need to have a fscommand folder in the directory where the ms-prompt command exists, and also that the fscommand in mx need to instigate the _defauld.bat (or bat files in general) for this to happen. also read that flash 5.exe file can do this from the desktop location and that i can include the directory location from the desktop as such c:/blah/blah
I'm interested in the flash5 ability and have tried it unsucessfully. I'm also using flashMX and saving the exe as flash 5, although don't know if it actually publishes the exe as version 6.
I really would like to accomplish this task, please help.
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