Access 2003
Execute a delete query based on multiple items selected from a list box.
The first procedure "User_Name_List_AfterUpdate" works correctly. Whenever a user presses the shift-key or the control-key, and then select multiple items, a list is buit up (ex: Public_Source_String = 'John', 'Jay', 'Jack').
The second procedure does not work. This procedure try
to delete 'John', 'Jay', 'Jack' from the table User_Account.
Private Sub User_Name_List_AfterUpdate()
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL_No_Comma_At_End As String
'capture the slected user name
For Each varItem In Me!User_Name_List.ItemsSelected
strSQL = strSQL & "'" & Me!User_Name_List.ItemData
(varItem) & "', "
Next varItem
strSQL_No_Comma_At_End = Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2)
Public_Source_String = strSQL_No_Comma_At_End
MsgBox Public_Source_String
End Sub
Private Sub Delete_User_Name_Click()
Dim Dbs As Database
Set Dbs = CurrentDb
Dbs.Execute "DELETE FROM User_Account WHERE Name = " & _
"Source IN (" & Public_Source_String & ")"
End Sub
Execute a delete query based on multiple items selected from a list box.
The first procedure "User_Name_List_AfterUpdate" works correctly. Whenever a user presses the shift-key or the control-key, and then select multiple items, a list is buit up (ex: Public_Source_String = 'John', 'Jay', 'Jack').
The second procedure does not work. This procedure try
to delete 'John', 'Jay', 'Jack' from the table User_Account.
Private Sub User_Name_List_AfterUpdate()
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL_No_Comma_At_End As String
'capture the slected user name
For Each varItem In Me!User_Name_List.ItemsSelected
strSQL = strSQL & "'" & Me!User_Name_List.ItemData
(varItem) & "', "
Next varItem
strSQL_No_Comma_At_End = Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2)
Public_Source_String = strSQL_No_Comma_At_End
MsgBox Public_Source_String
End Sub
Private Sub Delete_User_Name_Click()
Dim Dbs As Database
Set Dbs = CurrentDb
Dbs.Execute "DELETE FROM User_Account WHERE Name = " & _
"Source IN (" & Public_Source_String & ")"
End Sub