Technical User
Is it possible to create a rule or is there any 3rd party software that would help me solve this problem
Everytime a mail adressed to info@ comes in can it be routed to a different person every time. I have 5 people working in the office and I want them to take it in turns handling the mails that come into info@ In the past they have been sent to everybody but no one knows if anyone else has dealt with it and either the mail doesn't get attanded to or 2 or more people deal with it.
Everytime a mail adressed to info@ comes in can it be routed to a different person every time. I have 5 people working in the office and I want them to take it in turns handling the mails that come into info@ In the past they have been sent to everybody but no one knows if anyone else has dealt with it and either the mail doesn't get attanded to or 2 or more people deal with it.