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RTFtext of an excel cell

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Sep 18, 2002
Is there any way i can get the RTFtext of an excel cell directly without using VB. I need the RTFtext string of an excel cell similar to the RTFtext string of an rtf textbox in VB.
The only way i can do it now is copy the cell to clipboard and paste in RTF textbox and then use the RTFtextbox1.RTFtext parameter. This really slows down my code if i have large amount of data in excel.
Is there any way to get this RTFtext string from the excel itself rather than going to VB? Any help would be appreciated, thanks
What are you trying to do.....convert a number to text?

I'm not sure I that I follow what it is your trying to accomplish
I am trying to get the rtftext string of this formatted text and process it further. For eg. I want to convert all fonts from one to another except the symbol font and so on. I have chemical data and need to play around with it. That's why i need the RTFtext string of the data in an excel cell. Thanks
or can you point me to a web site that has an rtf display of what your are trying to use.
" a20D -47.7 (1%, AcOH)"
this text has alpha instead of the "a" in the beginning, it has "20" as a subscript and the "D" as superscript. Below is the RTF text for it. I want this rtf text from the excel cell and not from a rich text box.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil Symbol;}{\f1\fnil Times New Roman;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\f0\fs20 a\super\f1 20\sub D\nosupersub -47.7 (1%, AcOH)
\par }
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