Hi I am trying to get a database field to be partly bolded. The data in the database is currently in HTML and I tried to use the HTML Text Interpretation under Paragraph but it is not there on my machine. So I thought I would use the RTF Text on (which is there)..
This is what I have in the database field (one of them)
test \b 'gggggggg' \b0 blah
I want the 'gggggggg' to be bold but I am not sure whether they are the right tags for RTF.
When crystal displays the field, it just displays it as it appears in the database, instead of responding to the formating tags.
Please help.
This is what I have in the database field (one of them)
test \b 'gggggggg' \b0 blah
I want the 'gggggggg' to be bold but I am not sure whether they are the right tags for RTF.
When crystal displays the field, it just displays it as it appears in the database, instead of responding to the formating tags.
Please help.