Concerning the Symposium Web Client everything is functionning.
Concerning the Real-time statistics I am trying to configure a "Data Collection Interval" with the value "24h00" (or 23h59) but the system doesn't accept
a value greater than "12h". It's a problem for me because I want the real-time statistics to be resetted once a day at the begin of the day.
Does anybody know how I can setup such a schedule for RTD within the SCCS Web CLeint or do I need to use the GRTD Software?
Concerning the Real-time statistics I am trying to configure a "Data Collection Interval" with the value "24h00" (or 23h59) but the system doesn't accept
a value greater than "12h". It's a problem for me because I want the real-time statistics to be resetted once a day at the begin of the day.
Does anybody know how I can setup such a schedule for RTD within the SCCS Web CLeint or do I need to use the GRTD Software?