Hi Dudes,
While facing one major problem of using pdssql.dll from ASP, I pasted the same vb script code in vb and tried it out.
When I called Export(Boolean) method on report object with arguement false (to not prompt any dialog for selecting options) for converting reports to html, VB crashed everytime. If I was passing true to this method then only html conversion was being done.
The above thing never happened with any other format type. Only HTML had the problem. So if someone faces same problem answers to this post can help them out (me too). Here is code snippet.
Set oApp = CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application"
oApp.LogOnServer "pdssql.dll", "zeus", "TEMPTEST", "sa", ""
Set oRpt = oApp.OpenReport(path & reportname, 1)
oRpt.SQLQueryString = CStr(strSt)
oRpt.MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = False
oRpt.EnableParameterPrompting = False
FileName = "malay.html"
FileType = "HTML"
Set objExp = oRpt.ExportOptions
ExportFileName = "c:\" + CStr(FileName)
objExp.DestinationType = 1
Select Case FileType
Case "HTML":
ExportType = 24
End Select
objExp.FormatType = ExportType
If (CInt(ExportType) <> 24) Then
objExp.DiskFileName = ExportFileName
objExp.HTMLFileName = ExportFileName
objExp.HTMLEnableSeparatedPages = False
objExp.HTMLHasPageNavigator = True
End If
If CInt(ExportType) = 10 Then
objExp.NumberOfLinesPerPage = 50
End If
oRpt.Export False
'here in HTML case if I pass False VB crashes
'if I pass true to open selection dialog it works
MsgBox "Yeeee, hoooooooooooo!"
First I thought let me put this as Helpful Tip but then I thought I may be wrong and something was missing to export report to HTML. Anyway this might help to some people just as I knew it.
Malay M. Thakershi
While facing one major problem of using pdssql.dll from ASP, I pasted the same vb script code in vb and tried it out.
When I called Export(Boolean) method on report object with arguement false (to not prompt any dialog for selecting options) for converting reports to html, VB crashed everytime. If I was passing true to this method then only html conversion was being done.
The above thing never happened with any other format type. Only HTML had the problem. So if someone faces same problem answers to this post can help them out (me too). Here is code snippet.
Set oApp = CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application"
oApp.LogOnServer "pdssql.dll", "zeus", "TEMPTEST", "sa", ""
Set oRpt = oApp.OpenReport(path & reportname, 1)
oRpt.SQLQueryString = CStr(strSt)
oRpt.MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = False
oRpt.EnableParameterPrompting = False
FileName = "malay.html"
FileType = "HTML"
Set objExp = oRpt.ExportOptions
ExportFileName = "c:\" + CStr(FileName)
objExp.DestinationType = 1
Select Case FileType
Case "HTML":
ExportType = 24
End Select
objExp.FormatType = ExportType
If (CInt(ExportType) <> 24) Then
objExp.DiskFileName = ExportFileName
objExp.HTMLFileName = ExportFileName
objExp.HTMLEnableSeparatedPages = False
objExp.HTMLHasPageNavigator = True
End If
If CInt(ExportType) = 10 Then
objExp.NumberOfLinesPerPage = 50
End If
oRpt.Export False
'here in HTML case if I pass False VB crashes
'if I pass true to open selection dialog it works
MsgBox "Yeeee, hoooooooooooo!"
First I thought let me put this as Helpful Tip but then I thought I may be wrong and something was missing to export report to HTML. Anyway this might help to some people just as I knew it.
Malay M. Thakershi