I've been receiving an error with a program I'm working on. It appears as the following:
598000 IF GatewayEdit='Y'
*RNF0257 30 a 598000 Form-Type entry for main procedure not valid or out of
598100 WRITE CSTP093
*RNF0257 30 a 598100 Form-Type entry for main procedure not valid or out of
598200 ENDIF
*RNF0257 30 a 598200 Form-Type entry for main procedure not valid or out of
598300 C END
What exactly does this error mean, and is there a place on the web where I can get in-depth descriptions of errors?
598000 IF GatewayEdit='Y'
*RNF0257 30 a 598000 Form-Type entry for main procedure not valid or out of
598100 WRITE CSTP093
*RNF0257 30 a 598100 Form-Type entry for main procedure not valid or out of
598200 ENDIF
*RNF0257 30 a 598200 Form-Type entry for main procedure not valid or out of
598300 C END
What exactly does this error mean, and is there a place on the web where I can get in-depth descriptions of errors?