Wonder if anyone can help a HTML / PHP Newbie
How can you change the row result font and size ?
How can you change the row result font and size ?
$msresults= mssql_query($msquery);
$i = 0;
while ($row = mssql_fetch_array($msresults))
{if ($i > 0) { print "<tr valign='bottom'>";
print "<td bgcolor='#ffffff' height='1' style='background-image:url(img/strichel.gif)' colspan='6'></td>";
print "</tr>";}
print "<tr valign='middle'>";
print "<td class='tabval'><img src='img/blank.gif' alt='' width='10' height='20'></td>";
print "<td class='tabval'><b>".$row['AccountName']."</b></td>";
print "<td class='tabval'><b>".$row['VehReg']."</b></td>";
print "<td class='tabval'>".$row['VehMakeModel']." </td>";
print "<td class='tabval'>".date("l jS F Y", strtotime($row['NextServiceDate']))." </td>";
print "<td class='tabval'></td>";
print "</tr>";