I have a table containing a number of textboxes. When I use:
in line, my table appears as I want with minimal vertical & horizontal spacing between the textboxes. But when I use a style sheet with:
and the put the following in line:
does not give the same spacing. I know the stylesheet class is being picked up because if I change the point size in the class, it affects the table the way I'd expect.
Am I be doing something dumb?
Thanks in advance.
<table cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" border="0px">
in line, my table appears as I want with minimal vertical & horizontal spacing between the textboxes. But when I use a style sheet with:
table.InputTable02 { font-family: verdana; font-size: 8.5pt;
cellspacing:0px; cellpadding:0px; border:0px;}
<table class="InputTable02">
does not give the same spacing. I know the stylesheet class is being picked up because if I change the point size in the class, it affects the table the way I'd expect.
Am I be doing something dumb?
Thanks in advance.