I realise that this has probably all been asked before, but I have got to get this looked at soon.
I have one of the above switches, with 2 untagged vlans on it. I need to route between the two subnets, and cannot see where to set up a static route between the two.
I would normally just let it auto discover the route, and hope for the best, however, this switch is to replace a router which is to be removed, and therefore, I cannot afford any downtime.
Can someone point me in the right direction.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy (Monty Python's The Life of Brian)
I have one of the above switches, with 2 untagged vlans on it. I need to route between the two subnets, and cannot see where to set up a static route between the two.
I would normally just let it auto discover the route, and hope for the best, however, this switch is to replace a router which is to be removed, and therefore, I cannot afford any downtime.
Can someone point me in the right direction.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy (Monty Python's The Life of Brian)