Have a question that hopefully someone can answer or at least point in right direction.
Symantec Firewall in main office
IP address main office:
Remote office 1: Linksys router with VPN connection to main office
IP address Remote office 1:
Remote office 2: Linksys router with VPN connection to main office
IP address Remote office 2:
VPN user: Uses Symantec VPN client to connect to main office.
VPN user/Office 1 and 2 have no problem accessing computers in the main office.
But now we have VPN users who want access to Office 1 & 2 computers. Unfortunately, I do not know how to setup the routing so that will work.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Symantec Firewall in main office
IP address main office:
Remote office 1: Linksys router with VPN connection to main office
IP address Remote office 1:
Remote office 2: Linksys router with VPN connection to main office
IP address Remote office 2:
VPN user: Uses Symantec VPN client to connect to main office.
VPN user/Office 1 and 2 have no problem accessing computers in the main office.
But now we have VPN users who want access to Office 1 & 2 computers. Unfortunately, I do not know how to setup the routing so that will work.
Any ideas would be appreciated.