Hi, all.
I'm reading up, and just want to see what others have done here. We have one iSeries server with a single Ethernet interface.
There are two "sides" at this point. Our side has the iSeries local and runs ethernet to connect. The other "side" is in an adjoining suite (so physically local), but run Twinax emulation, and have their own subnet, which is TOTALLY separate from ours.
Now they want Ethernet connectivity to the iSeries, to use iSeries Access (client access), etc.
What's the easiest way to go about this? Do I need to get and set up a router between the two subnets? (Ex, one side is NAT at 10.10.10.x while the other side is 10.11.10.x). Or has anyone set up something better? Details?
We don't want them to have any access to our internal network; only to the iSeries. If a router is needed, what product have you used or built to get it done?
Thanks for any input. Hopefully I made sense.
I'm reading up, and just want to see what others have done here. We have one iSeries server with a single Ethernet interface.
There are two "sides" at this point. Our side has the iSeries local and runs ethernet to connect. The other "side" is in an adjoining suite (so physically local), but run Twinax emulation, and have their own subnet, which is TOTALLY separate from ours.
Now they want Ethernet connectivity to the iSeries, to use iSeries Access (client access), etc.
What's the easiest way to go about this? Do I need to get and set up a router between the two subnets? (Ex, one side is NAT at 10.10.10.x while the other side is 10.11.10.x). Or has anyone set up something better? Details?
We don't want them to have any access to our internal network; only to the iSeries. If a router is needed, what product have you used or built to get it done?
Thanks for any input. Hopefully I made sense.