problem: we got disconnect after 3 minutes of our network .
PC is connected through a dlink wbr-2310 , because we need wireless access .
connexion lost appear on cable and wifi ...
PC directly plug in wall-connector have no problem of disconnexion ,
So it is not PC ,
we try another router , and same problem !!!
firmaware is up to date on PC and both tried router...
any suggestion ?
..._ - _ - every trouble shooting begin with power ON !! we always forgot one day.
PC is connected through a dlink wbr-2310 , because we need wireless access .
connexion lost appear on cable and wifi ...
PC directly plug in wall-connector have no problem of disconnexion ,
So it is not PC ,
we try another router , and same problem !!!
firmaware is up to date on PC and both tried router...
any suggestion ?
..._ - _ - every trouble shooting begin with power ON !! we always forgot one day.