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Route calls over a specific trunk 1

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Nov 14, 2005
Is there a way to route calls from a several stations over a specific CO-Trunk group?

I don't want our fax machines to place calls over our SIP trunks, I want them to go out over our CO trunk group. Without making the employees do anything different, is there a way to send that traffic over a different group for all of their calls?
Use your ARS Partition Route tables and time-of-day chart in your COR. The time-of-day chart in the COR relates to the PGN's in the partition route tables.

Basically create a new COR and route pattern for your fax machines, and have them use time-of-day 8. Then in your partition-route-table, populate PGN 8 with the new route pattern that uses the CO Trunks...


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. ARISTOTLE 384-322 B.C.
I got that far before, but I am getting lost in the partition route table....

Here's my info:

COR 23 is assigned time of day 5 (FRL of 5)

Route pattern# 2 has the correct trunk groups that I want used. (points to TG#2 first and TG#5 as a backup)

STALL POINT: In the partition-route-table, route indexes 1 through 12 are populated under PGN 1 is full. PGNs 2-8 are empty. Does it matter which Route Index, I add route pattern 2 to? What does the Indexes 1 to 13 correspond to?

Ok - I got it working:

Summary: I wanted to force a set of station numbers to use a different trunk group when they place phone calls.

Steps: This is CM2.0
1. list partitioned-group to see what CORs are currently assigned to which Time of Day Chart. (This will help you find a TOD that you can dedicated to this route) Let's choose TOD 5

2. List CORs to find an unused COR. On 1st page of COR, go to Time of Day field and assign that the one you want to use. In this example, it would be 5.

3. To see what route indexes are used for place calls to different area codes.... (disp ars analy 1856 (example: for NJ) Look under the route patten field.
Example: it may say p9 - which stands for the index number on the partition table.

4. Next command: change partition 9 (p9). Tab over to the header column PGN 5. There you want to put the route pattern number that you want the calls to follow.

If you don't have a route pattern built that it assigned to that specific trunk group....go back and find an available route pattern to use (change route x). Assign the trunk group(s) and the appropriate FRL. Then start at step 4 again

5. Next go to the stations that you want to assign to this route. Change the COR to the COR that you created.

6. Make a test call to a number. You can monitor the routing by doing a "list trace station xxxx"). Start the trace than place an outbound call. It should route over the trunk you put in place. If not, retrace your steps.

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