Crystal Report 8.5
I am having problem with a rounding figures. Depending on the hours worked the Rate is showing up sometimes off by one cent.
Sometimes you get $48.68 (48.676) and sometimes $48.67 (48.671) depending on the rounding.
I think the answer would be to bring the decimal out to the thousands place.... 48.672 then do some kind of trim.
{JC20001.PAYRTAMT} + ({JC20001.Overhead_1_Cst_Per_Unit}/{@OT Hours})
I tried
mid ({JC20001.PAYRTAMT} + ({JC20001.Overhead_1_Cst_Per_Unit}/{@OT Hours})1,4)
But that does not work for Integer.
Any ideas
I am having problem with a rounding figures. Depending on the hours worked the Rate is showing up sometimes off by one cent.
Sometimes you get $48.68 (48.676) and sometimes $48.67 (48.671) depending on the rounding.
I think the answer would be to bring the decimal out to the thousands place.... 48.672 then do some kind of trim.
{JC20001.PAYRTAMT} + ({JC20001.Overhead_1_Cst_Per_Unit}/{@OT Hours})
I tried
mid ({JC20001.PAYRTAMT} + ({JC20001.Overhead_1_Cst_Per_Unit}/{@OT Hours})1,4)
But that does not work for Integer.
Any ideas