Hi, I'm trying to make an object spin accorting to the location of the mouse. For instance, I have a horizontal line as a movie clip, we will call this rotator, it's in a movie clip called holder. This is what my code looks like and it's almost right.
holder.rotator._rotation = Math.atan((holder._ymouse)/(holder._xmouse))*60;
(the code is a loop)
The line sorta follows the mouse but not really. It also reverses rotation when you move it above and left of the center of rotation. Please help.
holder.rotator._rotation = Math.atan((holder._ymouse)/(holder._xmouse))*60;
(the code is a loop)
The line sorta follows the mouse but not really. It also reverses rotation when you move it above and left of the center of rotation. Please help.