I have a query which is sued in our ERP system view. The view allows us to select the dates but does not give us the ability to Grand Total things.
The query is a SUM of fields in another view and works fine. However I would like to have a Grand Total of SUM(PackCounter) AS [Total Packs] I added in the With ROLLUP but this does not show as named field and just adds it at the bottom and also gives Grand Total for all fields where it can and puts NULL in the rest. How can I get the grand total so it gives it a named field like GrandTotal and then I can link it to the ERP system view. Thanks in advance
I have a query which is sued in our ERP system view. The view allows us to select the dates but does not give us the ability to Grand Total things.
The query is a SUM of fields in another view and works fine. However I would like to have a Grand Total of SUM(PackCounter) AS [Total Packs] I added in the With ROLLUP but this does not show as named field and just adds it at the bottom and also gives Grand Total for all fields where it can and puts NULL in the rest. How can I get the grand total so it gives it a named field like GrandTotal and then I can link it to the ERP system view. Thanks in advance
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT DateRequired, SUM(Carcassing) AS Carcassing, SUM(Russian) AS Russian, SUM(Scandinavian) AS Scandinavian, SUM(Fencing) AS Fencing, SUM([Bulk Shed]) AS [Bulk Shed],
SUM([Mini-packs]) AS [Mini-packs], SUM(Bespoke) AS Bespoke, SUM(Arbordeck) AS Arbordeck, SUM(MDF) AS MDF, SUM(Arborflor) AS Arborflor, SUM(PackCounter) AS [Total Packs]
FROM dbo.[148-vwPacksSoldByGroup&Customerp2CP]
ORDER BY DateRequired DESC