I need to create a report where the user will enter in a date and then can see the quantity sold on their items from the prior 12 months. It must run under version 8.5.
Table has the following fields
Year, ItemNumber,
Period1, Period2, Period3, Period4, Period5, Period6, Period7, Period8, Period9, Period10, Period11, Period12.
Additionally the Jan 2004 data is store in the Year 2004 Period7.
Jul 2004 is stored in Year 2005 Period 1. Everything is stored six periods later than normal.
The report output should look something like this
User enters: 01/01/2004
Item# Period7 Period8 Period9 Period10 Period11 Period12
1234 1 7 8 22 3 9
I think the only way I can do this is to create 12 variables named varMonth1, varMonth2, varMonth3....each with a shared numbervar called month1, month2, month3... and then as Crystal is processing have another variable add the totals to a shared numbervar and keep different subtotals.
How do you assign the value to the variables?
How do I ensure that I only select the proper year's data. For instance the period7 data holds Jan 2004 data and Jan 2005 data depending on what value is in the year field.
Suggestions, comments, follow up questions all will help
Table has the following fields
Year, ItemNumber,
Period1, Period2, Period3, Period4, Period5, Period6, Period7, Period8, Period9, Period10, Period11, Period12.
Additionally the Jan 2004 data is store in the Year 2004 Period7.
Jul 2004 is stored in Year 2005 Period 1. Everything is stored six periods later than normal.
The report output should look something like this
User enters: 01/01/2004
Item# Period7 Period8 Period9 Period10 Period11 Period12
1234 1 7 8 22 3 9
I think the only way I can do this is to create 12 variables named varMonth1, varMonth2, varMonth3....each with a shared numbervar called month1, month2, month3... and then as Crystal is processing have another variable add the totals to a shared numbervar and keep different subtotals.
How do you assign the value to the variables?
How do I ensure that I only select the proper year's data. For instance the period7 data holds Jan 2004 data and Jan 2005 data depending on what value is in the year field.
Suggestions, comments, follow up questions all will help