Anyone had any luck rolling back from a generic java eWay? The documentation suggests that if you throw the CollabResendException from the processOutgoing(byte[] outEvent) method this will rollback outEvent but in our experience this does not work. I have tried throwing CollabConnException, CollabDataException, and CollabResendException but none rolls back the message. I have also tried invoking EGate.eventRollbackToEgate() but this throws an error, I suspect it is only valid in the context of a java collab.
I am considering converting the eWay to multimode which rolls back if you return false from the executeBusinessRules() method but would prefer to just fix what we have.
Any advice? Thanks. -Ben
I am considering converting the eWay to multimode which rolls back if you return false from the executeBusinessRules() method but would prefer to just fix what we have.
Any advice? Thanks. -Ben