i put together a script on a web page that allows people to submit a question. their question is inserted into my database and an email notification is sent to me. a month ago i had removed this page link from my main menu so it was on the server but not visible to my site visitors, but today i received an email telling me that someone had submitted a question. this really scared me and here's the email that i received...
here's another one...
can anyone shed some light on what these people are trying to do? as you can see they have collected some emails along the way. is it just a robot collecting emails or trying to do something more malicious? i'm confused why it would submit info on my form? what can i do to better protect myself?
use Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=29a3e9cc6b3cd91bc375752199e50b97 X-Mailer: CompuServe 7.0 for Windows US sub 10501 Subject: can be legally applied to such things as turkey ham bcc: adugg80@yahoo.com,dinotto2@aol.com,bboygrow@yahoo.com, ali_ajdari@msn.com,patriciakrah@mindspring.com,ljlkj@charter.net --29a3e9cc6b3cd91bc375752199e50b97 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: text/plain aGlzIGlzIHJlcHJvZHVjZWQsIHdvcmQgZm9yIHdvcmQsIGZyb20gdGhlIG9yaWdpbmFsIHNvdXJj ZSB3aXRoIGFkZGVkIG5vdGVkIGluIHBhcmVudGhlc2VzLiBpbmVnYXIgaXMgbm90IHR5cGljYWxs eSB1c2VkIGluIGhhbSBjdXJpbmcgaW4gdGhlIHByZXNlbnQgZGF5Likgb3IgZWFjaCBoYW0= --29a3e9cc6b3cd91bc375752199e50b97-- . would like to know...
message1: in1951@fightworldmag.com
message2: in1951@fightworldmag.com
message3: in1951@fightworldmag.com
email: in1951@fightworldmag.com
here's another one...
merica1017@fightworldmag.com would like to know...
message1: merica1017@fightworldmag.com
message2: merica1017@fightworldmag.com
message3: adhere Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Type: text/plain X-Mailer: NetMail ModWeb Module Subject: is the basin of the cc: rshurelds@tir.com cc: jguerrero@yahoo.com cc: bjlarge2000@uky.edu cc: zrlegolas@adelphia.net cc: topcopl2@aol.com cc: jurabals@cableone.net cc: davemojo@yahoo.com by the north winds coming from the high tips of ierra evada. eruel, cured at least 800 meters above sea level, with a c143c2fc84324f101da3683776eb9d9c .
email: merica1017@fightworldmag.com
can anyone shed some light on what these people are trying to do? as you can see they have collected some emails along the way. is it just a robot collecting emails or trying to do something more malicious? i'm confused why it would submit info on my form? what can i do to better protect myself?