Should this script work in a web page? When I look at the log file the date is still an old one and nothing is being copied over.
'Setup source and destination locations
strLocation = "\it\call"
strSource = "\\server02\d$\inetpub\websterstaging\"
strDestination = "\\server01\d$\inetpub\
'Use robocopy to copy files and ACLs
Set objExec = Server.CreateObject("ASPExec.Execute")
objExec.Application = strRun
strRun = "cmd /c robocopy " & strSource & strLocation & " " & strDestination & strLocation & " " & "/S /SEC /LOG:MyLogfile.txt /V /MIR "
' Response.Write objExec.Application
' response.write strRun
strResult = objExec.ExecuteDosApp
Set objExec = nothing
'Setup source and destination locations
strLocation = "\it\call"
strSource = "\\server02\d$\inetpub\websterstaging\"
strDestination = "\\server01\d$\inetpub\
'Use robocopy to copy files and ACLs
Set objExec = Server.CreateObject("ASPExec.Execute")
objExec.Application = strRun
strRun = "cmd /c robocopy " & strSource & strLocation & " " & strDestination & strLocation & " " & "/S /SEC /LOG:MyLogfile.txt /V /MIR "
' Response.Write objExec.Application
' response.write strRun
strResult = objExec.ExecuteDosApp
Set objExec = nothing